Coached By Lils - logo

Be the best version of yourself

I believe in women being strong and healthy, whilst enjoying life with no restrictions!


All in one

App for you

Online Coaching App and its features - tracker, workout plan, meal plan, chat with coach Lils.

Eat your favourite foods, train hard and effectively following your plans and see RESULTS.


All clients are given a custom meal plan with their favourite foods so they can enjoy their meals knowing they’re hitting their calories and macros!


Progress is monitored so I can keep an eye on your results and make adjustments when needed, this is motivating for you to see how well you are doing!


Every client has a bespoke workout programme based on their available time, equipment and ability. This is guaranteed to fit around their lifestyle and be realistic for them to achieve every week.


You get support from me whenever you need it. I am available on private message every day and respond as quickly as I can. This is perfect for letting me know weekly challenges you may be facing or just for a little catch up!

All Clients are given a custom meal folder with their favourite foods so they can enjoy their meals knowing they’re hitting their calories and macros!

Every client has a bespoke workout programme based on their available time, equipment and ability. This is guaranteed to fit around their lifestyle and be realistic for them to achieve every week.

Progress is monitored so I can keep an eye on your results and make adjustments when needed, this is motivating for you to see how well you are doing!

You get support from me whenever you need it. I am available on private message every day and respond as quickly as I can. This is perfect for letting me know weekly challenges you may be facing or just for a little catch up!


About Your


I’ve been there, you’ve ‘tried it all’ and you’re still not happy. Convinced you’ll never get the body you want, tired of trying and failing.

I was once in that position too, and I was tired of not feeling confident and happy in myself.

Lily is having brunch.

Mentally stronger and
physically thriving

So I started learning, investing and most of all, not giving up when it got tough! Very quickly I started to grow into the person I’d always aspired to be. My confidence grew and so did my skills.

It’s you

Vs you